Different colour post-it notes on a wall, you can only read one of them, and it says impact full

Research is formalised curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.

– Zora Neale Hurston

Current research

Online Dating in the Time of the Coronavirus
The Covid-19 pandemic has been shutting down countries around the world and social distancing is now in place in many locations. However, many daters are still using online dating platforms. This new research aims to understand how this shift in social circumstances has changed how you use online dating.

This research aims to understand how online daters have adapted to social distancing during the pandemic. The research will also look at how you might use technology to overcome the limitations that social distancing imposes.

I have completed the interviews for this research project and am currently working on analysing the data.


Friend, C. & Fox Hamilton, N. (2016). Deception detection: The effect of trust levels and perspective taking in real time online and offline communication environments. Cyberpsychology Behaviour and Social Networking, 19(9),532-537.

Mullen, C., & Fox Hamilton, N. (2016). Adolescents’ response to parental Facebook friend requests: The comparative influence of privacy management, parent-child relational quality, attitude and peer influence. Computers in Human Behavior60, 165-172.

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C., & Kirwan, G. (2015). Language in online dating texts: Trait identification, homophily, and their effect on attraction. In B. K. Wiederhold, G. Riva, &  M. D. Wiederhold (Eds.), Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine Vol. 13. (pp. 112–116). Amsterdam:  IOS Press. (Read it here)

Fox Hamilton, N. & Kirwan, G. (2013). Cultural homophily in online dating texts: the effect of culturally typical personality traits encoded in language. Perspectives: An Anthology of IADT Research. (Read it here – page 43–51)

Book Chapters
Fox Hamilton, N. (2024). Love and Relationships Online. In G. Kirwan, I. Connolly, H. Barton, & M. Palmer (Eds.). An Introduction to Cyberpsychology. (2nd ed). (pp. 91-108). Routledge.

Fox Hamilton, N. (2024). Consumer Cyberpsychology and Online Marketing. In G. Kirwan, I. Connolly, H. Barton, & M. Palmer (Eds.). An Introduction to Cyberpsychology. (2nd ed). (pp. 255-270). Routledge.

Fox Hamilton, N. (2019). Online dating. In J. Ponzetti Jr., M. Blankemeyer, S. Horan, H. Lyons, & A. Shigeto (Eds.), Macmillan Encyclopedia of Families, Marriages, and Intimate Relationships: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Macmillan Reference USA. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Fox Hamilton, N. & other authors (2018). Contributed to chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 as thesis (MSc Cyberpsychology) supervisor. Cyberpsychology and Society. Current Perspectives. London: Routledge.

Fox Hamilton, N. (2016). Online relationships. In A. Attrill & C. Fullwood (Eds.), Applied Cyberpsychology: Practical Applications of Cyberpsychological Theory and Research. Palgrave Macmillan; UK.

Fox Hamilton, N. (2016). Love and attraction online. In Connolly, I., Palmer, M., Barton, H., & Kirwan, G. (Eds.). (2016). An Introduction to Cyberpsychology. Abingdon, England: Routledge.

Fox Hamilton, N. (2016). Consumer cyberpsychology and online marketing. In Connolly, I., Palmer, M., Barton, H., & Kirwan, G. (Eds.). (2016). An Introduction to Cyberpsychology. Abingdon, England: Routledge.

Fox Hamilton, N. & Kirwan, G. (2013). A cross cultural-comparison of deception using language analysis in Irish and American online dating profiles. In A. Power & G. Kirwan (Eds.), Cyberpsychology and New Media. A Thematic Reader. Routledge, London, UK.
(Read it here)

& Events

Reach out if you would like me to give a talk or participate in an event. I’d love to contribute!


Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C., & Kirwan, G. (2018, April). Differences in expression of personality in profile texts across online dating platforms. Paper presented at CRUW 2018 | CyberPsychology Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, UK.

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C., & Kirwan, G. (2017, June). Self-presentation variation between different online dating site profile texts: A content analysis. Paper presented at 22nd Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference, University of Wolverhampton, UK.

Fox Hamilton, N. (2016, November). 50 Shades of grey. The dark side of online romance. Presented at the 46th Annual Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland, Athlone, Ireland.

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C., & Kirwan, G. (2016, June). Author and rater characteristics that predict higher scores of attractiveness for online dating profile texts. Paper presented at 21st Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference, Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Ireland.

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C., & Kirwan, G. (2015, September). Gender differences in personality trait detection and attraction in computer mediated texts. Paper presented at Social Networking in Cyberspace conference 2015, University of Wolverhampton, UK.

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C., & Kirwan, G. (2015, June). Language in online dating texts: Trait identification, homophily, and their effect on attraction. Paper presented at 20th Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference, University of California, San Diego, USA.

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C., & Kirwan, G. (2015, April). Gender differences and attractiveness of online dating profile authors. Paper presented at CRUW 2015 | CyberPsychology Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, UK.

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C., & Kirwan, G. (2014, April). Accuracy of peer judgments of personality from “About Me” texts in online dating. Paper presented at CRUW 2014 | CyberPsychology Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, UK.

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C., & Kirwan, G. (2013). Context and personality: Using linguistic analysis to investigate language related to personality. Paper presented at Psychology Research Conference, University of Wolverhampton, UK.

Fox Hamilton, N.  & Kirwan, G. (November, 2013). Birds of a feather: the Irish preference for Irish online dating profiles. Paper presented at the Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Sligo, Ireland

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C.,& Kirwan, G. (September, 2013). The effect of context on personality related language: Using LIWC and content analysis to investigate online dating profiles and story texts. Paper presented at Cyberpsychology Conference, De Montfort University, UK.

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C.,& Kirwan, G. (2013, July). Take another LIWC: The effect of context on the relationship between language and personality in online dating profile texts and story texts. Paper presented at the 2nd Social Networking in Cyberspace Conference. Wolverhampton, UK.

Fox Hamilton, N., Fullwood, C., & Kirwan, G. (2013). Cultural differences in language and personality in online dating profile texts. Paper presented at the 35rd annual Congress for Psychology Students in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.
Winner of 2nd prize for presenting in the post-graduate category.

Hamilton, R., Palmer, M., & Fox Hamilton, N.(2013, March). Designing teaching and learning materials; Transitions from default to Universal Design. Paper presented at the AHEAD conference “Is Universal Design any of my business”. Dublin, Ireland.

Fox Hamilton, N. & Kirwan, G. (2012, November). Cultural homophily: the preference for same culture language in online dating profile texts. Paper presented at the Multimodality & Cyberpsychology Pop-up Conference Conference. DCU, Dublin, Ireland.

Fox Hamilton, N. & Kirwan, G. (2012, July). A cross cultural-comparison of deception using language analysis in Irish and American online dating profiles. Paper presented at the 2nd Cyberpsychology and Computer Psychology Conference. Bolton, UK.

Fox Hamilton, N. & Kirwan, G. (2011). A cross-cultural content analysis of personality traits in Irish and American online dating profiles. Paper presented at the 33rd annual Congress for Psychology Students in Ireland, Cork, Ireland.